2023 Recap

In April of 2023, over 350 people come together in person at our Nehemiah Action Assembly to address the severe lack of affordable housing and to better reading instruction in Brevard County.

Four elected officials attended our Nehemiah Action. One county Commissioner and three school board members, including the chair of the school board. All three school board members gave BRIGHT and the community a clear and resounding YES to all our education asks: to meet with BRIGHT regularly, to hire a superintendent who supports a reading curriculum backed by the science of reading, and…

This past fall, our seven member congregations hosted seventeen house meetings, intimate gathering where residents can share the community problems impacting their lives. During our listening process, 165 people committed to be network members.

Over 100 people met at our third Annual Assembly, and we unanimously voted to continue our issue work in affordable housing and education.

In 2023, our seven congregations invested over $20,000 in the ministry.

On April 15, 2024, we will hold our third Nehemiah Action Assembly and bring together over 500 people to hold our county officials accountable for changes in the education system and to fully fund our county-wide affordable housing trust fund for the entire county. Every woman, man, and child deserves a safe, stable place to live and access to education, ensuring a positive future of our community.


February 2024 BRIGHT Update