The 2024 Nehemiah Action Assembly

The BRIGHT Research to Action Process was a big success this year. With 99 people in attendance at the Rally, we learned the results of this year’s research process! We heard touching testimonies about the lack of affordable housing and poor reading achievement in our schools. BRIGHT clergy, team leaders, and network members then got to work to turn out our people power.

On April 15th, more than 350 people gathered to hold our elected officials accountable at the Nehemiah Action Assembly. Not only were all 7 BRIGHT member congregations in attendance - we also had representatives from 14 other local churches!

Hundreds of people were moved to take action because we are tired of seeing friends and family struggling to afford a decent place to live. Everyday people are being priced out of our community! 

BRIGHT has been advocating for a dedicated revenue stream for our county's new Housing Trust Fund since it was created in 2022. Unfortunately, none of our current county commissioners agreed to meet with us or come to the Action Assembly this year! Many of them are leaving office, so we are glad to have candidates Katie Delaney, District 1, and Vinnie Taranto, District 5, at the action this year committing to work with BRIGHT to identify a winnable revenue stream if elected. Robert Jordan, District 1, also submitted his answers in writing and agreed to work with BRIGHT on this important next step for our trust fund. Katie Delaney additionally committed to direct staff to prioritize those making 60% of AMI or lower in Trust Fund projects!

Our community also turned out to stand up for the thousands of children who are falling behind in reading in Brevard Public Schools. Just last year, 44% of third graders could not pass the state reading test and more than 2000 children were at risk of being held back. The good news is that BRIGHT has been working collaboratively with the school system to move toward scientifically backed reading curriculum and instruction. At the Action Assembly this year, we challenged District Superintendent Dr. Mark J. Rendell to make sure at least 50% of teachers receive intensive training in the Science of Reading by the 2026-2027 school year. Not only did he agree, Dr. Rendell committed to get to 100% in the next few years, and he credited BRIGHT with bringing this need to their attention. This goal would not have happened without our influence! 

School Board Member Matt Susin also attended the action assembly. Mr. Susin committed to allocating the needed funding for teacher training, and he committed to supporting our teacher training goal regardless of changes in administration or leadership.

BRIGHT members have a lot to celebrate and a ton to be proud of! Make sure you have the BRIGHT Celebration Banquet on your calendar for Thursday, June 13th at 6:30pm, hosted by Truth Revealed International Ministries. We’ll be celebrating our victories for the community and kicking off the investment drive over a delicious meal!


August 2024 BRIGHT Update


February 2024 BRIGHT Update